Facility Rules and Regulations

The facility is on 27 acres of timber and grassland, and home to wildlife. FOR THE SAFETY OF THE FOREST AND SO that WILDLIFE IS NOT ATTRACTED TO THE FACILITY, NO smoking or open fires, or outside food is allowed on the facility.

no plastic disposable containers are allowed. A water bottle filler is located in the classroom.

Before entering the BRFETC facility and range all firearms are to be unloaded and in holster or case.

Range Specific:

All shooters must check in the Range Safety Officer.  Shooting on an unsupervised range is not allowed.

All shooters must be at least eighteen (18) years of age. Any shooter under eighteen (18) years of age must be accompanied by a member, parent or guardian twenty-one (21) years or older. Those who are under eighteen (18) years of age must never be left unattended at any time while on the shooting line. A waiver must be completed & signed by the parent or legal guardian.

Shooters are responsible for their actions including any damage to range property.


First and foremost, safety is the number one priority while on the range.

Rules of Safe firearm Handling should be followed:

Always Treat all Firearms as if they were loaded
Always keep the muzzle pointed in a safe direction (DOWN RANGE)
Always Keep your finger outside the trigger guard until you are on target and are ready to fire
Always keep the firearm unloaded until ready to use.
Be sure of your target and what is around it and beyond it.

These five basic rules should apply, when storing a firearm, when handing the firearm to someone, & when loading and unloading. Be sure of the muzzle direction and the trigger finger position.

1. Approved Hearing and eye protection must be worn at all times when on the firing line.
2. No horseplay, or fighting of any kind will be permitted.
3 No disputes, arguments, or disagreements of any kind will be tolerated at anytime on the premises.
4 No person who is under the influence of Alcohol, Controlled Substances, or impairing prescription medication, or who appears to be under the influence of such, will not be permitted on the premises. It is still a federal crime to be under the influence of or be in possession of a schedule 6 controlled substances (cannabis, marijuana, etc.) while armed.
5. No one is permitted to go down range, unless the RSO calls a cease-fire and instructs you to do so.

Anyone found violating these rules will be subject to expulsion and loss of membership.

Range Officer/Chief Range Officer:

The Range Safety Officer/Chief Range Safety Officer (RSO/CRSO) has absolute authority over the firing range, and all persons therein are subject to commands, orders, and directions of the RSO/CRSO. Any person who violates a command, order or directive, will be subject to expulsion and loss of membership.

The RSO/CRSO has the authority to exclude from the shooting range any person believed not to be physically & mentally capable of firing a firearm safely.

If at any time the RSO/CRSO orders a cease-fire, you must immediately cease firing; unload your firearm and place it on the table in front of you. The firearm must not be removed until instructed to do so by the RSO/CRSO.

At anytime the RSO/CRSO observes any unsafe shooting practice by anyone, he/she will immediately address the problem to the shooter. The problem must then be immediately corrected before the shooter commences firing.

Note: Certified instructors, who are authorized by the range, also follow under this subsection.

Firing Line procedures

Check your area to make sure its clear to fire. Once clear, proceed with firing your firearm.

Never leave a loaded firearm lying on the table unattended. If you must leave your booth, unload the firearm and leave the cylinder open on a revolver, and magazines out, slides back on a Semi-Automatic

If you experience any Ammo malfunctions or stoppage, or any other type of issue, or if you need assistance of any kind, keep the muzzle pointed in safe direction (down range), and raise your non-shooting hand to alert the RSO. Do not put your hand down until the RSO comes and assists in clearing the malfunction

Upon completing your course of fire, unload all firearms and magazines/Speed loaders. Place your firearms back in their cases or holsters.

Please be sure to clean up your booth prior to exiting the range. Trash and brass should be picked up and place in their proper receptacle. Please see the RSO If you have any questions as to where trash and brass are to be disposed.

Never attempt to retrieve brass that is lying in front of your booth.

Please check with the RSo before exiting the Range.

The Club President reserves the right to change, modify & make exceptions to any of the rules and regulation stated in this document at any given time. Each situation will be handled on case-to-case bases.

These rules and regulations were made with the intention of keeping everyone safe & to help our facility stay in good working condition. We want you to understand the importance of these rules and follow them while enjoying the shooting range.